Chaostreff Chemnitz
The Chaostreff Chemnitz (ChCh) is a informal meeting of technology enthusiasts and creative people. The Chaostreff is closely linked to the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). Since 2011, regular meetings have been held in the hackerspace in the project and studio building at Augustusburger Straße 102.
You can find out more about Chaostreff Chemnitz at https://chaoschemnitz.de
During the Covid-19 lockdown, several creative automation projects were realised by Chaostreff under the name Digitalisierbar and shown in the windows of LOKOMOV. These included, for example, the Cocktail Bot, which served the finest concoctions from the Lokomov Bar at the touch of a button.
Or the Typewriter, which – as part of the automation of the overall experience of a visit to a bar – made contributions seemingly out of nowhere, as was customary in the bar business in pre-Covid times. (Further information can also be found in the Write against the machine campaign).
Or the Bürolarium (office solarium) – a technical device for irradiating the body with cold flickering neon light to maintain the distinguished paleness older generations remembered from days and days spent in windowless offices.
Or the Pixel Screen, which showed a live stream of the Lokomov inbox – pixelated for data protection reasons. From the isolation caused by the pandemic, former Lokomov regulars shared their magical memories in the most dazzling colours in countless emails and sent pleading requests in eager anticipation of Lokomov’s reopening.
The Timetable Display can still be marvelled at in the sacred halls of Lokomov today, and shows the departure times of the surrounding public transport in real-time and in a timeless design, thus indicating to the inclined guest that there is a life outside the bar, strange as it may seem.