MIXED REALITIES describe the blending of a natural reality with artificial, computer-generated perception (virtual reality). Everyday life with digitalisation and artificial intelligence – at least in the global North, our environment has long been such a hybrid reality. Technologies such as VR and AR applications, video mapping, 3D scanning, sculpting/modelling and printing, artificial intelligence and mixed-media approaches are also being taken up, applied, critically questioned and playfully used by artists in current digital art.
We also want to create new, augmented reality(ies) with you! We have invited some young digital artists and hackers. In a series of workshops and events, we will use digital art to explore the Sonnenberg together and turn the urban space into an exhibition area. We will go in search of niches and empty spaces that we can hack, open up the district anew with the help of creative digital means, become one with technology, rethink existing realities, imagine new spaces, create new worlds, utopias from dreams, from random glitches, from the unimaginable. The boundaries between the real and the virtual, between the natural and the artificial become blurred and virtual and urban spaces are artistically linked to form MIXED REALITIES.
The project consists of 8 workshops, which can be attended individually, but also complement each other thematically. All workshops can be attended without prior knowledge. The project concludes with a joint exhibition using virtual means in the urban space on the Sonnenberg.
Dates will be announced soon. In any case, we are already looking forward to workshops with Lena Wegmann, Chaostreff Chemnitz, OMAi, Amelie Goldfuß, Vanessa Amoah Opoku and The System Collective!
Gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Aventis Foundation.